Simply Explained

Rugby seems like a simple game.
A game of romping on a field, where you can take the ball in your hand with the intention of pushing it to the ground behind the opponent's tryline.
Sounds easy …… but still is it complicated!

When you start at the age of 5, it's all still very simple. Then there are only a few rules that are mainly aimed at ensuring that you can exercise with pleasure and safely. Coaches, trainers and referees all work together to make it fun and educational.

But as you get older, more rules are added. The team is getting bigger, the contact and the competitive element more important. There are also game situations with their own rules, such as scrum, line-out, etc.

That's all too much information for now.
With the extra rules as you get older, the game remains an exciting and well-regulated sport, in which respect, discipline and camaraderie are guaranteed.
If you really want to get it, then it is best to come and watch, come and train for free a few times or click the link below.

Rugby for Beginners
